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Project description Jefferys Fashion & Concept image filmAn image film is that part of corporate publishing which is based on the design of moving images. All video applications that serve internal and external corporate communication can be summarized under the term image video. Particularly appealing in this video is the variety of customers we were able to visit and film for Jefferys. This adds spice to the very successfully run film and introduces Jefferys Fashion Concepts as a unique, broad-based and special company in the apparel industry.
Are you planning your own corporate film? Then do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you for the creation of a unique corporate video.
Production period
09/2013 – 10/2013
Objective for this image film
Increase of awareness, consolidation of the image
Main tasks
Concept, project management, shooting, editing, grading
Online marketing