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Project description Heidler Kommunikationssysteme Corporate Video
Making your own corporate video a hit? Not quite an easy task. Whether the self-presentation is a production of an image film or an unconventional recruiting clip, one principle that unites them all in reaching a wide audience is storytelling. To ensure that image films become blockbusters rather than contenders for the Golden Raspberry, basic factors should be taken into account right from the conception stage.
Numbers, facts and data may interest investors in the business plan, but a good corporate film doesn’t have to shine with messages of success to convey something with substance to the audience. When it comes to presenting your startup to the public as a likeable founding story, you need more than just key data – authenticity and content are crucial here.
Production period
09/2013 – 12/2013
Consolidate image
Main tasks during the implementation
Budget planning and calculation, conception film, storyboard, shooting, project management
Online marketing