Leica Fashion Campaign


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Project description Leica international POS fashion and lifestyle campaign

The goal of “The Leica Look Fashion and Lifestyle Campaign” is to introduce a new target group to the Leica brand (“easy entry”) through the topic of fashion/lifestyle with the wide-ranging shooting and the way the topic is structured, especially in the film. Different styles or features of fashion and lifestyle photography are staged. Care is taken to present the great variance in fashion/lifestyle photography in an authentic, multifaceted, creative and artistic way. The video goes into detail about the Behind the Scene and Tutorial character. The film will be distributed in POS as well as in the social networks.

Production period


Objective of the fashion and lifestyle campaign

Increase global brand awareness of Leica.

Main tasks in the implementation of the fashion and lifestyle campaign

Conception, shooting, camera operator, drone recording, realization of voice recordings, audio mastering, editing


Online use B2C, social media, worldwide broadcast in all Leica Stores.